I remember you lot from the Firkin… You were Firkin Rubbish!
Oh the witty badinage. Did your mum say it was alright to leave messages on websites?

Full Sound — All Around!
This page is used to pass on the latest news from Love Commandos HQ.
I remember you lot from the Firkin… You were Firkin Rubbish!
Oh the witty badinage. Did your mum say it was alright to leave messages on websites?
Happy Birthday to our website. It has now been live for over one year.
Brand new gig information. Love Commandos plus special guests Cage to appear at the Flapper & Firkin in Birmingham on Tuesday 20th November 2001. This will probably be our last gig of 2001 so we would like to see as many people there as possible. We will hopefully be playing a lot of new material. We will also be recording the evening for possible live CD release so this is your chance to make yourself heard.
Mr. Jones and American Girl have been relegated from the potential set lists as we feel that, although they are both great songs, they no longer fit into our set.
Firstly, good luck to Mr. Hubble and his wife-to-be as they are tying the knot in the near future. We told him that the band comes first but he chose (sensibly) to ignore us so we are on a two week hiatus.
Practice continues for the upcoming final gig of the year extravaganza. Sadly, Cage are unable to play that night so we are currently in negotations for another support act. Watch this space. Make sure that you are at the Flapper & Firkin in Birmingham on Tuesday 20th November 2001. I can guarantee that there will be at least two brand spanking new previously unheard original tracks played.
Yet another new song in the embryonic stages tentatively titled ‘She Said’. How do we find the time?
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